
Sophisticated Cloud Sophisticated Cloud

Should I Be Concerned About My Moles?

Anytime, but particularly in the summer months is when skin care professionals see higher numbers of patients who are concerned about their moles.

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Sophisticated Cloud Sophisticated Cloud

What are these dry and scaly mole-like things growing on me?

Chances are, if you’re over the age of say 40, you may have started to notice a few blemishes appearing on your body. If this is the case, rest assured, as 99% of the time this is absolutely normal and unfortunately just part of the ageing process.

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Sophisticated Cloud Sophisticated Cloud

What do apples and humans have in common?

If you are over the age of say 40, you will probably notice a gradual deterioration in the condition of your skin. Marks and blemishes may actually be appearing where there was nothing before.

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