Campbell De Morgan (Blood Spot)

Blood Spots - Skin-hub clinic in Basingstoke, Hampshire. Removal of age spots, skin tags, moles, blood spots, milia. Free consultation.

These red dots and spots can appear on the face, torso & limbs and are referred to under several names: Blood Spots, Cherry Angioma and Campbell De Morgan Spots.

They are simply small blood vessels that have ruptured or burst just under the skin and are of no medical concern. Although mainly found on the torso, they can appear anywhere and the bigger they are, the older they usually are.

What causes Campbell De Morgan Spots or Blood Spots?

It is said that the average 30-year-old will have at least one blood spot and some people are more prone to them than others. But certain medications can have an effect on the vascular system, as can any activity which involves impact or straining, such as weight lifting, contact sports, childbirth, heavy exercise etc.

Though Campbell De Morgan Spots or cherry angiomas are not in any way harmful, these blood spots can be unsightly.

Treatment Process For Blood Spots

I personally, categorise blood spots into 3 stages;

  • Stage 1. Very small red dots on the skin – so simple to treat and literally takes just one second each

  • Stage 2. A little bigger and slightly raised – again, very simple to treat at only a few seconds each

  • Stage 3. Up to the size of a Smartie – pronounced with a good blood supply, these larger ones not only take longer, they can often require a second treatment to fully erase them.

Using a small needle the size of an eyelash and blunt at the tip, heat is released which uses diathermy to cauterise and shut down the blood vessels in the blood spot. A scab forms on the larger ones, due to more tissue being treated. The scabs drop off after around 7-10 days and the skin regenerates further over the coming weeks.

NOTE: If you are considering having this treatment, please make sure that you have no activities planned involving impacts or straining for around 2-3 days afterwards, as this can work against or even reverse your treatment session. After this time period, you can resume normal lifestyle activities.

Please note: This treatment is not suitable for those with pacemakers, defibrillators, cochlear ear implants, or women who are, or, could be pregnant. Asian and darker skin types are not treated due to the increased risk of scarring


  • Free consultations

  • 5 minutes - £50.00

  • 15 minutes - £100.00

  • 30 minutes - £150.00

  • 45 minutes - £175.00

  • 60 minutes - £190.00

Prices are fixed to reflect the actual treatment time taken. For example: If you have a 30-minute consultation and during that time you have a treatment to remove a few blemishes which takes 5 minutes or under, the cost is just £50. You are only charged for the hands-on time taken
for the treatment itself.